Gameplay Journal Entry #2

Samantha Fuster
1 min readJan 26, 2021

The game I decided to play is Wizard 101, which is similar to World of Warcraft in being an MMORPG but has its quirks. Wizard101 uses Gamebyro to create their game. Gamebyro is similar to Unreal, where there is some set paths for you, aka plug-ins, to choose to put in your game so you don’t need to do it yourself. It is a iterative and incremental type of development. [1] The game’s graphics have semi-improved over the years, but it still looks like an older game, with little to no upgrades. The sound is the same, but it does bring in the fantasy affect and they really did a great job. All these things from a game engine make the game come out amazing. [3]

Wizard101’s environment is pretty inviting especially for players really into fantasy worlds. The engine really helps give a nice feel to how you walk, use the deck of cards and even see the assets placed in front of you. A good tutorial for this game will be linked at the bottom, it will give you a good example of the environments placed in front of you as you play and get better and better. [2]

[1] Gamebryo. (2021, January 21). Retrieved January 26, 2021, from

[2] Wizard101: Full Game Walkthrough:

[3] Deger, A., Guins, R., & Lowood, H. (2016). Debugging game history: A critical lexicon. Retrieved January 26, 2021, from

